The ICA conference is held in Paris this year, from May 26th to May 30th. This annual competitive conference highlights some of the best communication research from around the world. This year finally, we can share our work in public again, because due to the pandemic, the past two years, the presentations remained virtual.
Below you can find an overview of our presentations:
Self-Reported Measures of Social Media Use Show High Predictive Validity: Tim Verbeij; Loes Pouwels; Ine Beyens; Patti Valkenburg
To Connect or Not to Connect? Investigating Differences in Social Media-Related Distraction Among Adolescents: Teun Siebers; Ine Beyens; Loes Pouwels; Patti Valkenburg
The Associations of Active and Passive Social Media Use With Well-Being and Ill-Being: A Scoping Review: Patti Valkenburg; Irene van Driel; Ine Beyens
Just a Joke? Adolescents’ Preferences for Humor in Media Entertainment and Real-Life Aggression: Amber van der Wal, Loes Pouwels, Jessica Taylor Piotrowski, Patti Valkenburg
Lessons From Two Studies Using Linkage Analysis to Assess Differential Media Content Preferences: Amber van der Wal
Mobile social media habits and procrastination among adolescents: Investigating between-person, within-person, and person-specific associations: Adrian Meier; Ine Beyens; Loes Pouwels; Teun Siebers; Patti Valkenburg