
Project AWeSome

Social media maken sommige jongeren gelukkig, andere niet.

Hoe komt dat?

Project AWeSome zoekt samen met jongeren naar het antwoord op deze vraag.

Wil je meedoen, samenwerken of gewoon meer weten?

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May 14, 2024

Through teens' eyes: The benefits and drawbacks of social media

Members of Project AWeSome (Adolescents, Well-being, and Social media) interviewed 480 adolescents aged 14 to 17 about the pros and cons of social media, relying on a survey study and qualitative interviews. For most adolescents, the pros of social media…

January 18, 2024

Essay for UNICEF

Dutch adolescents spend about six hours per day on their mobile phones,  of which two and a half hours are spend on social media. What does this their mean for their mental health? 

In an essay written for UNICEF Patti Valkenburg, Amber van der…

This project is funded
by a NWO Spinoza Prize awarded to Patti Valkenburg

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